Corporate Social Responsibility

We recognise that our social, environmental and ethical conduct has an important impact. We therefore take our corporate social responsibilities (“CSR”) seriously and are committed to advancing our policies and systems across the Group to ensure we address and monitor all aspects of CSR that are relevant to our business. These include good ethical behaviour, concern for employee health and safety, care for the environment and community involvement.

We strive to maintain a productive and open dialogue with all parties who may have an interest in our activities including: customers, suppliers and employees. We conduct regular customer satisfaction surveys, monitor supplier performance and actively encourage feedback from our employees.

The Executive Team takes ultimate responsibility for CSR and is committed to developing and implementing appropriate policies while adhering to a fundamental commitment to create and sustain long-term value enhancement. The Executive Team does not believe that, to date, the activities of the Group present any significant environmental risks.

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About Us

Started 36 years ago as a consultant-engineering firm in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Moved to Egypt in 1974 where it grew to become one of the leading Hi-Tec, industrial, financial & distribution network in Egypt & Africa.

Our Brands

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Contact us

Sales Head Office: (Map)
112, El Merghany St. Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.
International Office: (Map)
179, El Orouba St. Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.
Offices & Branches